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SITTING IN the centre of this modern new 3 level home, the frameless glass shaft and lift takes pride of place with the wraparound timber staircase – the choices to go between floors could not be easier.

The ElfoLift in this case included primed steel and glass doors (the finishing coat was done locally for a perfect colour match) with the lower level also inclusive of a power operated automatic closer/opener. The two side walls of the cabin were full size glass panels to maximise the glass shaft and the rear wall and finishes/ceiling in A1 Bianco skinplate. As the outside of the cabin was highly visible from the stairs, it was clad in brushed stainless steel finishing for the ultimate high level detail.

For a final tie-in effect, the floor of the cabin was fitted with the same timber used on the stairs treads – great continuity.

To view the drawing for this project please click here