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IT WAS at Thomson Adsett and also Tower Projects for the recent expansion and upgrading of facilities at Juliana Village. For this project, Lift Shop provided five Elfo2 lifts, all with steel and glass shafts.

To ensure consistency, the same colour scheme was chosen for all five lifts. The shafts were provided with RAL 7024 powdercoated steel and transparent glass. All lifts had a through car combination with doors on two sides at the upper level (four with opposite through car, one with adjacent through car) and were fitted with similinox skinplate landing and cabin doors with clear glass, one glass wall and one solid wall in A1 bianco skinplate. For practical safety purposes, each floor was fitted with black Pirelli studded rubber.

As our normal headroom of 2800mm (2550mm is also possible) was going to be too close to the roof eaves, the builder decided to take the shafts above the eaves by having a 3100 headroom – this had an added lighting and cosmetic benefit of having more glazing on the shaft.

With a tight delivery program, Lift Shop applied its skilled expertise to ensure all five lifts were finished on time with no delays – done.