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SITUATED IN Sydney’s Rose Bay, this boutique development housing two apartments required access from the garage level to the landings at each floor. As the lift was for secondary access only and compliant with AS1735, Parts 12 and 16 and NCC E3.6, the installed ElfoLift 2 was perfectly suited.

As each floor of the building were separate fire zones, fire-rated landing doors were required on each level, in this case powdercoated RAL 7037 in a semi-gloss finish (with polished stainless steel frames) was chosen to work in with the colour schemes at the foyer areas. As the doors were fire-rated, the landing buttons were wall mounted rather than within the door frames.

The inside of the 1100mm x 1400mm lift cabin was fitted with Arpa 4456 LAR walls, one full size mirror, polished stainless steel profiles/handrail and both vertical car operating panels and clean white Bianco A1 skinplate ceiling. The high gloss tiled flooring from the foyers were also carried through into the lift.