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MAKING SURE that this older style home in Sydney’s Seaforth could continue to be enjoyed for many years to come, a three level lift was designed into the renovations carried out at the property.

Working with a past builder who understood the custom design flexibility offered by the ElfoLift, the sales and design consultations resulted in a stunning blend in effect lift with its own individual style and character. The landing doors were all powdercoated in gloss white and fitted with custom handles. Two of the doors were then further finished with a timber veneer for a better blend in effect with the rest of the home. The cabin walls were provided in a galvanized finish which then had a timber cladding added to and also some signature artwork. Two of the walls also included white glass upper panels. The corner profiles, custom flush vertical car operating panel and ceiling were also finished in the same gloss white powdercoat as the doors to tie all the finishes in together.

To finish the homely feel of the lift, a warm timber flooring was fitted to match the other areas of the home and timber handrails fitted to all three walls.

All in all, just very nice

To view the drawings for this lift please click here