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SITUATED ON the picturesque Isle of Capri in Surfers Paradise, this brand spanking new luxury home provides all the elegance, convenience and space you could ever want – including of course a lift to travel between all four floors.

Catering for optimum design convenience, the adjacent through car ElfoLift was fitted with anodised aluminium doors and full size mirror glass panels. The two inside cabin panels were done in F41PPS (brushed stainless steel skinplate) and a half height mirror. These were highlighted by polished stainless steel profiles, car operating panels (including position indicator) and handrail. The pattern ceiling was also in F41PPS to match the wall panels and the floors were done in matching custom tiles.

For added luxury convenience, the lift cabin was fitted with one of our exclusive flush mounted push button telephones – a classy alternative.

For added peace of mind, our exclusive in cabin self rescue feature – like air-bags, unlikely to be needed but good to have just in case.

To view the drawings for this lift please click here