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THIS BEACHSIDE property located in Maroochydore with superb ocean views was developed with three separate homes. After working closely with the clients, Lift Shop provided an Elfo Lift for each property.

The main house at the front of the block was the standout for this project. The four stop lift was finished in upgraded finishes, which consisted of walls finished in Inox Austentit and the profiles in Inox BA mecc.  This was complimented with the beautiful bamboo timber floor which tied seamlessly into the rest of the home’s interior. The anodised doors with frosted glass with the custom timber edging around the door opening gave the lift the final finishing touch.

Meanwhile, the other two lifts were finished with our standard finishes, being similinox walls, brushed stainless steel profiles and customised tiled flooring. Once again the final touch for these lifts, was the anodised frosted glass doors with the timber edging around the door opening.

To view the drawings for these 3 lifts please click here