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Which drive to use?

Is often confused.

This is caused by salespeople who want you to buy what they sell.

Rather than what is best for you.

Learn for yourself.. 


Disabled Access

For disabled access, winding drum and screw drive are often chosen because these lifts are a must have compliance satisfying legal requirement for two floors.  Price is the decider.

Home Lifts

Electric traction and hydraulic are usually chosen as they are simply much better.  For your own house, you get what adds value rather than is functional.  (what do you drive personally? Or wear?)

Type Biggest ProBiggest ConImageMax Floors
Electric TractionQuick and SmoothHigher CostTraction Drive.jpgVirtually unlimited 200 floors is achievable with special Kevlar cables (1000m)
HydraulicQuick and fair valueMachine space requiredHydro-17 Floors (21m)
Winding DrumCheap and basicSlow, nosier and needs more power to travelWinding Drum3 floors (6m)
Screw DriveVery CheapSlow, limited travel and hold to runScrew Drive2 floors (4m)

Electric Evolution


Electric Traction were the first drives in lifts.  They were expensive and required machine space overhead.


Other technologies that did not require overhead machinery space and were lower cost, like hydraulics became common.


MRL electric drives which were Machine Room Less were developed.  They were still expensive.


MRL electric drives cost drop to the level that they are now a good option for home lifts and for lower numbers of floors.