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For Service Clients

If you require a service then please call +1 (855) 999-3376.

We can arrange for a safety inspection and resumption of regular service.

  • Routine Service
  • OH&S Checks
  • 24 Hour Helpline
  • Repairs
  • Extended Warranty Programs


Service Costs are Low

Service costs need to be low, because they are usually paid for by one home owner in after tax dollars.  (Unlike commercial elevators)


      • Lift Shop has the largest home lift service portfolio for its own installed lifts, meaning travel time efficiency.
      • Lift Shop refuses to grow the service portfolio through piecemeal acquisitions of failed companies lifts or orphan lifts, which means our men know the job history, have parts and don’t get delayed.
      • Lift Shop only services lifts it has installed, so we are never guessing what to do.

This means a more reliable service for clients and lower costs.


All elevators are sold with the industry leading warranties and inclusions.

This can be extended for a small annual fee so that parts are covered for the life of your elevator .

Breakdown Rates:
We have the lowest breakdown rates in the industry, because we really understand the business and have eliminated the main two reasons for breakdowns.

No: 1 Reason is Vandalism
As our lifts are 80% found in private homes, they don’t have exposure to the general public and misuse.

No: 2 Reason is Inferior Components.
It is common to use part replacements as future revenue streams.  We appreciate that home owners don’t like that, so use superior parts and systems which mean problems are rare.

It also means that our provision for warranty costs are actually low.